Showing posts with label 3 Axis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 Axis. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 June 2012

TB6560 driver board and LinuxCNC settings.

The screen shots below are the settings I use for my 3 Axis TB6560 stepper driver board (blue PCB).

Please note that there are different types of these TB6560 boards with different pinout settings so the settings below might not work with your board.

I just gave the machine a name (TB6560-mill) and changed from inches to millimetres,  I left the rest at default settings.

I have as yet not done the "Test Base Period Jitter", I probably will one day but as I have not had any problems till now I'll probably just leave it as it is. 

Parallel Port "Step" and "Direction" settings for the X, Y and Z axis.  I'm not using an "E-Stop" switch but if you are, you need to set it up here. 

Only showing the X-Axis above but Y axis is also set as above.

The Z-Axis "Maximum Velocity" set to "10" (slower than the X and Y axis), the rest of the setting are same as the X and Y-Axis. 
The above setting are for M12 threaded rods with a 1.75mm pitch which I used for all axis, if you use different size rods you will need enter the pitch value to match your own "lead screws".

I have the driver board setup to run at 1/2 (half) steps so the "Driver Microstepping" is set to "2" . Change this setting to match the settings on your board (ie: 8 for 1/8 or 16 for 1/16).

The "Maximum Velocity" and Maximum Acceleration" values depends on your stepper motors and power supply so change these values until your stepper run without missing steps. Start with a low value and test the motor by clicking on "Test this axis". If  the motor does not miss steps then increase the values and test again. However, if it does miss steps then you obviously need to decrease the value. 

When you finish setting up the "stepconf" a folder and one file will be saved to your desktop. The folder and file name will be whatever name you have given your machine (in my case I just used the name "TB6560" so my file is named "Launch TB6560". Next step is to edit the ""name of the machine.hal" file which you can find in the folder LinuxCNC created on your desktop.

Look for the following lines below and delete them all, they are all in one paragraph so will be easy to find.

Note: Pin numbers will be different to those given in the example below.

net xstep =>
setp 1
net xdir =>
net ystep =>
setp 1
net ydir =>
net zstep =>
setp 1
net zdir =>
net astep =>
setp 1
net adir =>
net xenable =>

Now copy and paste the lines below and save. I don't think it matters where you paste them in t
he file but I paste them at the same place where I deleted the above lines. 

# X-Axis pins
net xstep =>
net xdir =>

# Y-Axis Pins
net ydir =>
net ystep =>

# Z-Axis Pins
net zdir =>
net zstep =>

# X, Y, Z Enable pins
net xenable =>
net yenable =>
net zenable =>

setp 1
setp 1
setp 1

LinuxCNC should now be working.

If anyone has any questions please leave a comment and I'll try and help as best as I can. 

Good luck.