Friday, 16 March 2012

What's this blog about?

I've been thinking about setting up a website for my hobbies for a while but then I will need a domain name as well and both website and domain names cost money, blogging doesn't and if I decide to give it up I will have lost nothing.

I have a couple of hobbies, woodworking/woodturning and electronics. I'm not a master of any just a hobbyist making things that we might need in the house or I could use in my garage workshop.

About a year ago I got interested in making a CNC machine but couldn't pluck up the courage to make a start, I had no clue where to start. I did a lot of research and read a lot but still didn't know what motors to buy, what "breakout boards" were, what driver board and PSU I would need for the motors etc.

A few weeks ago, on an electronics forum I was getting help with for another project, I mentioned that I wanted to build a CNC, one guy, Pete, kindly offered his help. I'm very glad he did because without his help I probably would still not have the courage to make a start. Pete has been great and I'm very grateful for all his help and tirelessly answering my questions, thank you Pete.

I got the motors, the built is almost finished (the third one but more about that later) but have been let down by the Hong Kong company I ordered the driver board from. It's been over four weeks now and I still have not received it. I have had to open a dispute on Paypal and escalate it to a claim in the hope that I get a full refund so that I can buy another one from someone who will, hopefully, deliver. This isn't the first time I've had probems with overseas companies but definitely will be the last time, never again. From now on, I will stick to buying from local sellers. Yes, I know, most of the stuff comes from China anyway but at least it will be easier to contact them in case something goes wrong and cheaper to return the stuff.

Anyways, this is what this blog is all about, how I built my CNC, more to follow.


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